Sleep is something that is truly essential to me. It tremendously influences my state of mind, my dietary patterns and my general levels of bliss, (when I don't get enough of it!), and by enough I mean around 10-12hrs! - The 7-8hrs thing simply doesn't cut it for me and I wind up feeling depleted! In any case, I assume we're all unique, isn't that so? In this way, whether you cherish or loathe sleeping, here's five tips to show signs of improvement for a better night's sleep!
One: Temperature | As a naturally super cold person, I used to have absolutely everything boiling and wonder why I’d wake up at 3am absolutely dying. I read a book that said you should sleep in a cold room but make your bed as cosy as possible, so that’s what I’ve been doing and it works so well! Don’t be tempted by putting the heating on before bed, just make sure you have a super cosy duvet or fur blanket (literally the best thing ever) so you can be snug without overheating and waking up.
Two: Time | Obviously it’s a bit different if you’re working unusual hours, but it’s good to try and wind down at around 10pm if you have a 9-5 job. I always try to close my laptop at 9pm at the latest (doesn’t always work!) and to be in bed by about half 10, ready to drift off way before midnight. Bright screens aren’t fantastic for you, as they actually wake you back up, so try to avoid having your TV on right up until the second you want to go to sleep or to be glued to your phone.
Three: Exercise | When I was working out four times each week, I rested amazingly and I'd wake up more invigorated as opposed to dragging myself out of bed like a zombie. In case you're experiencing difficulty when sleeping, attempt and do some exercising activity eventually amid the day and you will undoubtedly have a good night's sleep.
Four: Food | I think this goes without saying, but consuming sugary or high energy food right before bed ain’t gonna help! Same goes with anything containing caffeine, as it’s just going to wake you back up! Eat something filling at teatime so you're not enticed to nibble, or in the event that you need to have something, have a go at something without caffeine or that doesn't contain a considerable amount of sugar!
Five: Quiet and Light | I'm one of those individuals who needs to sleep in all out silence, yet it makes a considerable amount difference in my opinion. Ensure that the environment around you is quiet and tranquil so that you can float off drift off quicker and stay asleep once you have! Darkening out blinds are awesome for persuading your body that it's rest time, however totally terrible when it's an ideal opportunity to get up! Attempt simply keeping them open or half shut (on the off chance that you can) during the Winter and still leave some gap at the bottom during the Summer, in order for your body to acknowledge that it is daytime and that you don’t wake up feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck!
What do you do to have a better nights sleep ? x
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